Data wygenerowania zapytania ofertowego: 2024-03-29

Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe Puławy S.A.

Al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 13

24-110 Puławy

NIP: 7160001822

ZAPYTANIE OFERTOWE NR Z335/234743/aktualizacja1


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Tytuł zapytania

Treść zmian (aktualizacja):

Completion date change

Treść zapytania:

Subject: invitation to submit your offer

We hereby provide the invitation to submit an offer for the execution of Project No. 210081294/ID/24 entitled "Inspection and calibration of the measurement and control equipment. Current flow detector Ectane 2 no. 1810009, EddyFi Technolgies".


Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe „Puławy” S.A. Aleja Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 13, 24-110 Puławy, BDO 000007701

I. Scope of work:

- Inspection of the measurement and control parameters in compliance with ISO 15548-1.

- Issuance of the inspection and calibration certificate.

Note: The manual for the current flow detector Ectane 2 availabe at Mr Jacek Bazyl tel. +48 81 565 35 42, e-mail:

II. Work Schedule:

1. Start – on the date of order receipt

2. Completion – 24.04.2024

III. Inspector's supervision and coordination of work performance are arranged by the Purchaser.

IV. Contact details and form of communication:

The person authorized to contact the parties participating in the tender procedure on

formal and technical matters is Ms Ewa Sołdek.

Tel: +48 81 565 39 73.


Office hours 06:00 - 14:00.

All questions regarding the formal and technical matters of the tender procedure shallbe submitted in writing (including e-mails to the address provided)2 days before thedeadline for submission of bids at the latest. The Purchaser shall provide relevantclarification without delay. The content of clarifications will be made available to allBidders who have been provided with an invitation to submit bids, without revealingthe source of the inquiry or will be published on the website.

The Purchaser reserves the right not to respond to questions submitted after theaforementioned deadline. The Purchaser shall not be liable for clarifications regardingbids related to the subject tender procedure, provided to the Bidders by other persons

and entities unauthorized to contact Bidders.

V. Scope of delivery:

1. Contractor:

1.1. Materials: as necessary to execute the Project.

1.2. Equipment: as necessary to execute the Project.

2. Purchaser:

2.1. Materials: not applicable.

2.2. Equipment: not applicable.

2.3. Transport of the detector to and from the Contractor’s workshop..

VI. Requirements for the Contractor:

  1. Works shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations.
  2. High quality of the performed works
  3. The Contractor shall have the necessary qualifications to perform the works.
  4. Completion of works according to the agreed work schedule.

VII. Place of execution of works:

Contractor’s workshop.

VIII. The offer shall include:

1. the total price for the complete scope of works,

2. the Bidder's statement that the submitted bid included the complete scope of works,

materials and supplies specified in the invitation to submit bids, including all process

operations necessary for the proper performance of the works in question,

3. the proposed payment method (one-off payment after completion of works with a

payment deadline of up to 30 days from the invoice date is preferred).

4. validity term of the offer,

5. confirmation of the possibility of the execution of the Project meeting the aforementioned deadline,

6. providing the EU VAT tax identification number,

7. providing of the bank details (bank name, bank account) to which the payment shall be made.

IX. The deadline for submitting the offer: 03.04.2024.

X. Offer validity period:At least three (3) months. The offer validity period starts with offer submission deadline. Purchaser can request the extension of the offer validity period before its expiration.

XI. All costs and expenses related to the offer shall be borne by the Bidder.

XII. The Buyer may exclude the following from the procurement procedure:

1. Bidders who do not have the necessary knowledge, experience and capacity to perform the contract

2. Bidders who are not in an economic and financial position to perform the contract.

3. Bidders who by their intentional act, omission or gross negligence have caused damage to the Company.

4. Bidders who have, within the last 3 years before the initiation of the proceedings, caused damage by failing to execute the contract or by executing it improperly, and this damage has not been voluntarily compensated by the date of the initiation of the proceedings, unless the failure to execute or the improper execution is the result of circumstances for which the Bidder is not responsible.

5. Bidders against whom liquidation, bankruptcy or restructuring proceedings have been opened, against whom bankruptcy has been declared and Bidders who after declaring bankruptcy have made an arrangement approved under a valid court decision, provided that the arrangement provides for satisfaction of creditors by liquidation of the bankrupt's assets. The above limitation does not apply to companies of Grupa Azoty;

6. within the last three years before instituting the proceedings, committed an act of unfair competition as defined in Articles 10, 11, 12, 13, 15a of the Act on Combating Unfair Competition against the Company or another company from the Capital Group, or committed an act of unfair competition other than that indicated above.

7. The supplier, within the last three years prior to the commencement of the proceedings, has been fined for infringement of employees' rights or has used practices infringing the principles of non-discrimination in employment with respect to the persons employed, as confirmed by a final judgment.

8. The Supplier or its representatives performed activities connected with the preparation of the tender procedure or used, for the purpose of preparing the Tender, persons involved in such activities, except for companies of the Azoty Group and authors of local spatial development plans, if the subject of the Procurement Procedure are design works arising from local spatial development plans prepared by such authors.

9. The Supplier has refused to conclude a contract or to provide a performance bond.

10. Bidders who did not submit the required statements or did not meet other requirements specified in the Inquiry or other document, in which the requirements for participation of Bidders in the proceedings were specified,

11. Bidders who have submitted false information affecting the outcome of the conducted Procedure,

12. Bidders who have not agreed to an extension of the period for which they are bound by the Tender,

13. Bidders who have not submitted Sanction statement.

XIII. The Purchaser reserves the right to:

1. Conduct additional negotiations;

2. Conduct an auction on the LOGINTRADE Purchasing Platform to select the Contractor;

3. Freely choose the offer as well as to cancel the bidding action without giving reasons;

4. Increase or decrease the material scope of the works with a simultaneous increase or decrease in the value of the works;

5. Rejection of the offer without further consideration (negotiations) in case of its incompleteness.

XIV. Offer effectiveness: Acceptance of the placed offer requires our clear declaration that the offer has been chosen as the most favourable one and additionally signing of the Purchase Order or Contract by the authorised persons, unless it is stated otherwise in the declaration of the chosen offer. Otherwise the offer is regarded as not accepted.

We hereby declare that Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe "Puławy" S.A. has the status of a large entrepreneur in the meaning of the Act of 19 July 2019 on counteracting excessive delays in commercial transactions (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2022, item 893 as amended).

XV. Protection of personal data according to GDPR:

Each Party shall process the personal data related to the business partners, collaborators, employees, statutory representatives, other representatives and proxies of the other Party provided as a result of the contract signing and the execution of its provisions.

Both Parties declare to process the personal data made available by the other Party in compliance with the stipulations of the applicable regulations on the personal data protection, in particular with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The Purchaser makes available to the Bidder the informative clause for customers („Clause”), being the information required as per Articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation which can be found at

The Bidder declares to fulfil the information obligation within the time indicate in GDPR with regard to all the persons referred to above, on behalf of the Purchaser acting as the personal data administrator. The fulfilment of the obligation can be made in particular through supplying of the full wording to those specified above, by the Bidder.

Note: Please read the contents of the information clause confirm of this fact in the statement included in the content of the offer.

Note: The procedure of awarding the contract for the execution of the Project is not subject to the provisions of the Act of 29 January 2004 Prawo zamówień publicznych [Public Procurement Law] (Journal of Laws 2019, item 2019) as well as protests and appeals. The Bidders are not entitled to any claims against the Purchaser for not accepting the Offer.


- Attachment No. 1 – Sanction Statement (Representation by the Bidder)

- Attachment No. 2 – Declaration of the Bidder


Lp. Nazwa produktu Ilość Jednostka Indeks Załącznik/Link Uwagi
1. Project No. 210081294/ID/24 entitled "Inspection and calibration of the measurement and control equipment. Current flow detector Ectane 2 no. 1810009, EddyFi Technolgies". 1 US - Czytaj

Dodatkowe warunki formalne:

Pytania do postępowania w ramach zapytania ofertowego "Project No. 210081294/ID/24 entitled "Inspection and calibration of the measurement and control equipment. Current flow detector Ectane 2 no. 1810009, EddyFi Technolgies"."

Lp. Tytuł pytania Data wysłania pytania Status
Brak wyników do wyświetlenia

Dodatkowe pytania do oferty


Waluta: EUR

Data i godzina rozpoczęcia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia zadawania pytań:

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